Thursday, March 4, 2010

Five ironies of my life............

Five biggest ironies.........perhaps the saddest too :
1. I can see when others do something wrong......but i am completely unaware even after i commit a hellish crime...
2. I can listen when others are rude or ill-mannered to me....but i am completely deaf even if my words hurt someone as sharply as knife....
3. I can smell the conspiracies against myself........but i condone my own ill-strategies as counter-acts....
4. I can tell others to taste failure before they succeed.......but i myself feel the bitter even if i just seem to be going off-track......
5. I can feel the pain when i've just fallen from a staircase......but i cannot feel the pain i inflict upon my dear ones' hearts........
And i am an absolutely fit person, with a pair of almond eyes that can see for sure but are hollow enough to wake up a sleeping soul, with sharp ears that know deceiving noise of pain by music and sensible skin that isn't good enough for insensible heart.....
It seems like i'm in a room where the person with the most beautiful hat wins......I can see everyone's hat and hence seem to have decided that their hats are too bad to win and so have assumed that i win.....or perhaps they lost without knowing that the very fabric of my own hat is embedded with the dirt of my selfishness and greed.........